No pen, no ink, no table, no room, no time, no quiet, no inclination.
--James JoyceSure-- there's no money in publishing and there's not even anywhere to publish these days. So what's a writer to do when s/he needs the instant gratification of acceptance? Microblogging could be the last bastion of the publishing world. If anyone's still reading this, there's some great Twitter accounts out there. First, there's
Creative Non-Fiction Tweets, which is pretty much like
Six Word Stories 2.0. Next, check out
5Seven5, which is 1.) run by me and 2.) perfectly happy to retweet the haikus of all you
weeaboos out there. If you're looking for someplace to showcase your work (and perhaps point a potential agent-- PROTIP: they're not impressed with the dick jokes and 2006 pictures of you in a Borat costume), I highly recommend our friends at 18 Digits, the kings of
Gainesville web design. Happy microblogging, kiddos! Remember the first rule of writing-- it's not nearly as annoying when you do it.
# posted by
Christian Exoo @ 3:22 PM