And with that, I have some sad news.
Backwards City Review is suspending operation as of its 7th issue, which is now back from the printer and being mailed out shortly. There'll be more details forthcoming, but for now let me say, on behalf of all the editors, past, past, and future, it's been a lot of fun, and thanks.
# posted by
The Editors @ 6:40 PM

We know it's been slow around here. But we've got good news: the second
Backwards City Chapbook has finally been released! The book is Marcia L. Hurlow's
Green Man in Suburbia, which you can order
directly from Amazon.
Marcia L. Hurlow is a native of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and a professor of English and journalism at Asbury College in Wilmore, Kentucky.
Green Man in Suburbia is her fifth collection of poems, and if I say so myself, it's clearly the best.
It's a fantastic collection, and we're all very excited about it.

# posted by
The Editors @ 6:36 PM