Yun-Men held up his staff to the assembly and said: "My staff has been transformed into a dragon and it swallowed the universe. Mountains, rivers, the whole earth—where are they now?—Zen Koan
Breathing in, be one
with your own breath.
Breathing out, be one
with your own breath.—Instructions on Sitting
sin and evil
are not to be got rid of
just blindly.
look at the astringent persimmons!
they turn into the sweet dried ones.—Zen Commentary
The mind that is free from itself—why should it look within? This introspection taught by Buddha only increases the obstruction. Things are originally one; why then should we endeavor to untie them?
Just being here,
I am here,
and the snow falls.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 2:25 AM