Here at Backwards City I like to celeblog the blogiversary with a bloglection of "greatest blogs" from the last blog-year. As
before, I'll be throwing up links from the last twelve months all day long, with no regard to anything besides what I remember as being sort of cool.
The first two months of our second year of operation brought my getting married and winging off to Europe for my honeymoon, leading to dangerously high levels of Neil Farbman. We still haven't gotten the stains out of the couch.
Also, there were also a hell of a lot of
Star Wars posts last May. I'm awfully sorry about that.
MAYThe Trouble with Prequels (or, The Emperor Has No Clothes): Review of Star Wars Episode IIIChris Ware: God Lands on the Moon, 2005Fictional Curse WordsMovie Reviews and More from Andrew Rilstone, GentlemanEndor HolocaustCalvinoGeorge Lucas in LoveGone Marryin'The Wooster Collective: A Wicked Cool Blog of Street ArtKiss Me, Son of God: BiblemanYou Can Live on
JUNEIllustrated Gravity's RainbowThe Sistine Chapel Blew My Mind, Then Gave Me A HeadacheOld Sci-Fi CoversFirenzeRough Draft of Back to the Future ScriptFrench Keyboards Are the SuckVenice and
It's Sandró, About BiennaleSuperdickI Never Knew What Everybody Meant by Endless, Hopeless, Bleak DespairExpecting Long Lines, We Found the Place DesertedWhat I Read on My Summer VacationThis Isn't Just a Mall, It's ParadiseHoward Zinn on American ExceptionalismOperation ClambakePicturesToothpaste for DinnerHarlan McCraney, Presidential SpeechwriterDFW's Commencement Speech at Kenyon CollegeDetachedTop 40 Most Important Literary Works in the World# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 12:01 AM