One of my Intro to Narrative students talked about Craig Thompson's
Blankets alongside
Jimmy Corrigan and
Maus in their final-exam essay on
Persepolis, so I ordered it from Amazon and gave it a look. It's pretty great, all about brothers and religion and art and young love. Like
Maus and
Persepolis (and
Epileptic, as well),
Blankets is straight-up autobiography, and it absolutely deserves to be mentioned alongside those other, classic comics.
It's really good, is what I'm saying.
You can check out some sample pages from the book at
TopShelfComix and
iComics, while
Fear of Speed and
Comicon have interviews with Thompson.
DootDootGarden, Thompson's homepage, is a fun time too.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 12:35 AM