And in other news - Remember Darth Tater?
Now there's
SpudTrooper. You can pre-order at Super-Inflated, or wait till September. Look what his blaster is firing! Get it? Get it?

What's really important, though, is Ignore the initial bad design and check out the archives. It offers a decade by decade history of the "regular" old Mr. Potato Head. Some cool exerpts follow:
1950's :
During the World War 2 era, George Lerner enjoyed success as a well known inventor and designer. Just before 1950, he designed and produced a first generation set of plastic face pieces. The push pin shaped noses, ears, eyes and mouth parts could be pushed into fruits or vegetables to transform the food into an endless array of magical anthropomorphic playmates.
The toy wasn't an immediate hit however. There was still a World War 2 mentality to conserve resources. Toy companies didn't think that customers would accept the idea of wasting a piece of food as a child's toy.
1960's: I can't find a great txt exerpt, but this pic should say enough:
The early 1970’s did however see the release of a few bizarre Mr. Potato Head toys. The world at this time was being painted with crazy psychedelic attitudes and expressions, and Mr. Potato Head wasn’t immune to the times. The very strange Potato Head Bird, Potato Head Fish and Potato Head Bug playsets made their debut. These sets apparently weren’t very popular...
# posted by
Anonymous @ 12:14 PM