This is a two part post left over from yesterday when my internet was futzing around with itself. Anyhow, for those that don't know me, I think Stormtroopers are the bomb. As Gerry has said, they are the most iconic thing Lucas has managed to create with Starwars. What I like about them is how abstract they are, and thus how much we are able to identify and impose our own imaginations on them. Just look to the
501st Legion.From
ToyNewsI, a heads up on what is probably going to be the
coolest Stormtrooper Toy ever made. Look how SHINY it is. And at an estimated retail price of $209 bucks, it had better be, no? It's from a toy line I hadn't heard of, being made by Medicom. They're the Japanese toy company responsible for
Kubricks, those LEGO-like figures that sort of exploded the "blocky-toy" trend. This expensive StormTrooper is one of Medicom's "Real Action Hero" line. The figures are based on
this body, usually, and the materials for clothing and gear are typically top quality.
They've got a
Luke, a
Vader, and some figures you might not have thought of, like
Andy Warhol, Twiggy, (Twiggy's home page - scroll down) and
Jean Michel Basquiat.Link to
MEDICOM page. Flash and in Japanese. Fun to browse, but hard to find what you are looking for.
And if you're a stickler for the old-school 3 3/4" figures, you'll enjoy
this review/history/take on the latest Stormtrooper to come out, the Original Trilogy Collection figure - hard to find, but can be scored for about $15 bucks on eBay. (And if you're looking for the newest Episode III figures, the ones to look for are #41 (Super Articulated Clone Trooper) and #39 (AT-TE Tank Gunner). They offer the best articulation, with least weird accesories and baggage. Score for about 10bucks each on Ebay, or find them (with great luck) at a local toystore.
# posted by
Anonymous @ 9:46 AM