So it's our one-year blogiversary. A
year ago today we had one reader (Hey, Neil) and $15 in the bank. Today, with your help, we've got $20. We're also regularly topping three hundred readers a day, which is pretty inconceivable to me.
Throughout the day I'll be linking to a few of the past year's highlights from the archives. I've made absolutely no effort to balance my contributions with contributions from the other editors; I'm just skimming the archives and pulling those posts I remember being awesome, and as often as not it's something that I posted in the first place. Plus, I'm a deranged egomaniac, and every little bit of attention helps.
In any event, this installment covers May - June, and includes our most popular post ever,
Our Brains Don't Work, which is still getting regular hits. Enjoy!
MayThe Brick TestamentDuckomentaIce and Snow Festival in Harbin, ChinaThe Rules of CalvinballSand ArtJuneI Love DeathThe Last BreakfastTop Ten Most Untranslatable WordsExploding DogHigh School Marching Band Performs 'Paranoid Android'Songs to Wear Pants ToJulySpamusementFleepShatner SingsThe 100 Most Important Art Works of the Twentieth CenturyAlien in Thirty Seconds Reenacted by BunniesOur Brains Don't Work# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 10:14 AM