Will Wright (maker of the Sims/Sim City) vs. Peter Molyneux (Populous, Fable) vs. Chris Hocking (???) in a no-holds barred contest to develop the coolest Emily Dickinson video game. Part of Wright's entry:
What he came up with was USB Emily Dickinson. The game would be a small program bundled with a USB memory drive, which is now a large business and an almost impulse buy. The "Emily" program would sit on the drive, and would occasionally interact with you in order to begin to derive an emotional relationship with you.
These interactions would include Instant Messaging, email, and interruptions while writing. Over time, the program would develop a model of behavior depending on how you'd interacted with it. Will's thought was that, while you could eventually get her to a stable state it was more likely that she'd become romantically obsessed with you, or suicidally depressive. In the latter case, he said, she would have the option of deleting herself off the USB drive.
This, and other funny moments (with pictures) via Slashdot.
Read More. PS - they aren't ever going to make these, I don't think. They were just trying to show off how games get developed, and what "alternative" types of games could start being made. Informative.
GC INTERPOLATION: Here's their contest for 2004, which was themed around
creating a love story game.
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Anonymous @ 5:49 PM