So I spent a good chunk of my sick day playing around on the Metroid Prime 2 disc I bought myself yesterday as a preemptive reward for all the grading I have to do this week. Just like the first one, it's a great game -- if it suffers at all in the comparison it's only because it's
just like the first one. There's nothing new here. (The game also seems a touch shorter to me, but having not finished it yet I can't say that for sure.)
I'm sorry to say that this will almost certainly be the second-to-last console game I ever purchase. I can't resist the new Zelda, but after that, I just don't think my heart's in it anymore. I almost didn't buy this one--I finally decided to because a) I could tell while I was in Target that I was getting sick, so I figured what the hell and b) this was the whole reason I repurchased the GameCube from McKay's in the first place, so I figured what the hell.
But this is probably it. I mean, I gave it a good run, but now I'm 25 and my childhood's over. It's a damn shame.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 10:40 PM