Oh, and remember how
I The Editors
said that we know our real lives have been getting in the way of the blog, and sorry about that, but don't worry but posting will pick up soon?
My posting is definitely going to pick up again soon, but real life keeps pushing me in front of cars. Last week I wasn't working on the Kerry campaign at all; then I was working for MoveOn as a precinct leader; now I'm still a precinct leader, but I'm also the MoveOn Organizer for all of Guilford County (as of Wednesday).
What this means is that the next two weeks are going to be extremely busy for me. I'll post, but not nearly as much as the golden days of the summertime, at least not until after the election.
Step 1: [knock knock] Hi, my name is Gerry, I live in on the other side of campus. Are you ______? Great. _____, I'm working on the upcoming election; are you planning on voting in November, and do you know yet who you're going to vote for?...
Step 2. (Repeat.]
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 8:55 AM