You may have noticed slightly decreased activity on the blog in the last few weeks. Well, it's true that we've all been busy ever since we had to grow up and get real jobs -- but that doesn't mean the magazine is flailing.
Our first issue has been fully stocked with greatness and is in the process of being edited. (If you haven't subscribed yet,
Backwards City Review #1 be hitting newstands across
America the East Coast North Carolina Greensboro Gerry's House in late November/early December.
We'll have some tidbits up from the first issue on the
official-but-too-rarely-used website up soon. There's also a official website redesign in the works that's about, say, 80% completed.
Things are all coming together nicely. Stick around.
And in the meantime,
subscribe! Donate! Clickthrough! Subscribe! And start thinking about what you're going to
submit for our inaugural contest in our second issue!
# posted by
The Editors @ 11:08 AM