I got a chance to watch
Dogville today. With everything that's been going on, it's been a while since I was able to actually watch a movie, so I was glad that it actually turned out to be good. Chilling, and deeply disturbing, yes -- but good.
The thing that immediately stands out about this movie is its design.
Dogville looks like a play: blank backgrounds; few props; no facades or walls; imaginary doors, bushes, and dogs. Various locations of importance are labeled in white capital letters: ELM ST., THE OLD LADY'S BENCH. (This quirk of set design is used to great effect throughout the movie, particularly in the movie's turning point, a stunning, silent, sickening shot that you will probably recognize when you see it.)
This movie starts out as a kind of happy fable of small-town Americana. I won't talk about where it ends up, but it's a long, long way from there.
This is a great movie. It's a work of art.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 5:11 PM