An oldie but a goodie. This has actually been on my mind a little lately, mostly because of the article
"How to Live in a Simulation," which advises in part:
If our descendants tend to be more interested in simulating "pivotal" people and events from their history, then you should raise your estimate of the chances that the events and people around you will be considered pivotal to your descendants. You should also try to encourage this to happen, as it will make the simulators less likely to drop you from their simulation, or to end that simulation. If you can identify an especially interesting event around you, you might also try to prevent it from ending, as the simulation might end soon after the event does.
I'm feeling more and more (not really) like
this is the actual, true arrow of all our lives: The world really is a history-themed computer simulation, and it turns out we were all minor participants in the Second American Revolution.
This is how it happened, kids.
At least that would explain how apocalyptic everything seems.
Sure hope we win.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 10:39 PM