The question is not whether there are certain animal behaviors which we might
read as thought. The question is whether or not there is some *actual inner life* behind the actions of animals, an inner life composed of intentionality, at least some degree of deliberative choice, and temporal awareness.
My coeditor Tommy C. and I once got in a knock-down-drag-out fight on this very subject, an argument that effectively ended our friendship (which makes
BCR editorial meetings very awkward indeed). He said yes; I said no*. That's why I'm so gratified that he mailed me this article from
The New York Times, which takes the question of "Can animals think?" head on and decides,
well, probably not.
*With the possible exception of dolphins, whales and even maybe some primates. Dolphins are pretty freaking smart.
Our argument was mostly limited to whether or not dogs can think, now that I think about it. And yes, it really did end our friendship. In all seriousness. Yes.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 4:55 PM