First - Fay has pointed me to a great site that can teach folk about Literary Agents, without them having to pay out thirty bucks for a guide book and directory each year. Check it out
aqui. Of interesting note is the news update on their front page, an announcement from Mid American Review. Here's the quote:
* Unpublished Writers Sought * We're currently reading work for a special issue devoted to writers who have never before been published (or who have never published work in the genre in which they're submitting). We will be reading for this special issue until about Nov. 15, 2004, but work may be submitted any time. You are "unpublished" for our purposes if your work has never before been included in a nationally distributed literary journal, magazine, or newspaper, or in a professionally published and distributed collection. Campus or local publications do not disqualify you from submitting, but small national journals do. If you're not unpublished, pat yourself on the back -- and feel free to send a regular submission. Additionally, if you have students or friends who may qualify, we hope that you'll pass the word along. Submissions should be sent via snail-mail to Unpublished Writers Issue, Mid-American Review, English Department, BGSU, Bowling Green OH 43403.
A link to
Mid American Review. The Contest Link is down there in the left frame. And just kidding about the losers comment, by the way.
For those about to rock, we salute you. (Link goes to Google Image Search Results)
# posted by
Anonymous @ 5:25 PM