Jaimee just rewatched it now on
DVD. I watched a good chunk of it (missed an hour in the middle).
Anyway, just to settle it once and for all, (relatively minor spoiler)
Bill clearly takes six steps. He's just that good. I'll never be convinced otherwise.
UPDATE: Aw, nuts.
Original Kill Bill script says five, if you scroll down all the way. David Carradine still takes six though. You can count yourself.
Some weird stuff in the script, including a long, pointless subplot involving Go-Go's sister, and Bill on an assassination mission. It's also missing some other stuff, most notably the Origin of O-Ren chapter. Check it out.
My opinion: the finished movie's much better than the script. All the changes I found looked like improvements.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 1:16 PM