...who found that a pretty lackluster
Sopranos? Obviously, [The Event] was major—but for the climax of nearly a decade of narrative possibility, the episode struck me as basically perfunctory. I'm not complaining about the contrivance of [The Event] itself, though obviously I wasn't very happy about that either. Rather, what most troubles me about the episode is the lack of continuity with seven years of history; all these events seemed to be happening in complete isolation, rather than at the tail end of the long and detailed story we've been watching all this time.
I don't know; it really left me cold.
That so much of such a crucial episode focused on a random character we'd never seen before didn't help matters.
Since rewatching the first half of season six I've become a fan of the Kevin Finnerty arc, so I was glad for the callback in the final instant of the episode—but exactly what sort of epiphany is Tony meant to have had in this peyote-fueled daze? What did he suddenly "get," and what does it have to do with [The Event]?
After five weeks of confidence in Chase's ability to end this series, I'm suddenly very worried.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 10:26 PM