Keith Uhlich (fer) and Matt Zoller Seitz (agin)
talk Tarantino. Like most of you, I'm fer, and it's probably no surprise that I think Uhlich easily has the upper hand here. For instance, I think this is a great way and possibly the right way to understand Tarantino:
KU: Reservoir Dogs I count as a big influence in my life. It was the movie that sort of shocked me into wanting to be a critic. To further my spiritual-religious descriptor: I recently re-watched all of Tarantino's work and they seemed like an old school preacher talking at you, really preaching with fire and brimstone.
MZS: Reservoir Dogs? Really?
KU: Yes. Absolutely. And not just Reservoir Dogs -- the whole body of work has to me a revival tent, old-school-religious feel: in its sanguine nature, in its passion and enthusiasm, and also in its more troubling aspects.
Via Vu, who judging from his email feels much the same way (and who also still owes the Internet a post on
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 11:29 AM