Superman/Batman 2: Supergirl is quite good, like its
predecessor -- though it is not quite as good, faltering in parts, particularly at the end, which is an embarassing "Supergirl, meet X" sequence. (I'm told
Superman/Batman just keeps getting worse from here.) Still, a story that brings back one of
the best characters in the DC Universe is basically a can't-miss proposition.
Angel: Old Friends #1 purports to continue the TV series, but it does so only just. It's rather unclear exactly how bound to this storyline Joss will feel if he ever does get around to continuing the Buffyverse story, which is looking increasingly unlikely. Still, it's sort of fun to see what the characters
might have done if indeed they did survive the alleyway.
Sort of.
In other news, I can't believe that in two days I have to start reading real books again.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 12:21 AM