So. You didn't win the
First Ever Backwards City Literary Contest. That's okay, we'll have another soon. In the meantime, here are a couple that just got brought to my attention:
Random House's Twentysomething Contest : 20,000 dollar prize for a non-fiction essay by a twentysomething.
We are seeking essays about, but not limited to, the following subjects: Family, Career, Sex, Society, and Self. Be specific. Be unique. We want you to tell us—and, by extension, the entire world—something we haven’t heard before, something that defines you as a member of this burgeoning generation. Make us laugh, make us think, make us mad—just don’t make us yawn.
Indiana Review's Latina/Latino Writers Issue. They're looking for work from all genres, including comics and visual art.
We are seeking Poetry, Fiction, and Non-Fiction by Latino & Latina writers that that is well-crafted and lively, has an intelligent sense of form and language, assumes a degree of risk, and has consequence beyond the world of its speakers or narrators. We also welcome interviews with established writers. Content that addresses political, social, and cultural aspects of the Latino and Latina identity and community are welcome but not a pre-requisite for consideration. Our intent with this issue is to showcase the vibrant and diverse voices of new and established Latino and Latina Writers.
# posted by
Anonymous @ 9:53 AM