That's where the reruns will be. The most intriguing part of the deal, for me anyway, is this:
As it did with TBS for ``Sex and the City,'' HBO will collaborate with A&E on crafting sanitized versions of ``Sopranos'' episodes that will be edited for any violent or sexual images and obscenities that wouldn't pass muster with advertisers or A&E's standards and practices department.
``Sopranos'' also was produced with so-called ``coverage'' shots: alternate scenes with cleaner language - and maybe even pasties on the strippers' private parts at Tony Soprano's favorite haunt, the Bada Bing.
It'll be really interesting to see what they change, and what they leave in.
Good thinking on their part to plan ahead and film alternate footage for syndication.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 4:27 PM