So. I really haven't seen either of Nightmare Before Christmas, or James and the Giant Peach in their entireties. But I do like the animation style of both of them.* And while it's probably old news to you, Tim Burton is making a new movie called the
"Corpse Bride." The
toy license (and it looks like lots of other merchandise) will belong to those wacky folk at
McFarlane Studios. A very good match.
Also, a funny article in the most recent
Toy Fare: How 2005 toys are exactly the same as the 1993 toys. Nightmare Before Christmas being one of the major brands mentioned. (Could be wrong on the dates - the article isn't online. You'll have to look at it in the store. Don't let yourself be seen!)
* (Can anybody figure out whose style is used for the animation? I know I've seen some of the work they did pre-Nightmare Before Christmas, but I don't know who they are to find it again)
# posted by
Anonymous @ 6:22 PM