Just another cheerful service we provide free of charge here in the Backwards City.
Cause of Death (Lifetime Odds)
Heart Disease 1-in-5
Cancer 1-in-7
Stroke 1-in-23
Accidental Injury 1-in-36
Motor Vehicle Accident* 1-in-100
Intentional Self-harm (suicide) 1-in-121
Falling Down 1-in-246
Assault by Firearm 1-in-325
Fire or Smoke 1-in-1,116
Natural Forces (heat, cold, storms, quakes, etc.) 1-in-3,357
Electrocution* 1-in-5,000
Drowning 1-in-8,942
Air Travel Accident* 1-in-20,000
Flood* (included also in Natural Forces above) 1-in-30,000
Legal Execution 1-in-58,618
Tornado* (included also in Natural Forces above)1-in-60,000
Lightning Strike (included also in Natural Forces above)1-in-83,930
Snake, Bee or other Venomous Bite or Sting* 1-in-100,000
Earthquake (included also in Natural Forces above) 1-in-131,890
Dog Attack 1-in-147,717
Asteroid Impact* 1-in-200,000**
Tsunami* 1-in-500,000
Fireworks Discharge 1-in-615,488
* Odds indicated with an asterisk (*) are based on long-term data. All other odds are from 2001.
** Perhaps 1-in-500,000.
Shamelessly lifted from
livescience.com. Some of these are a little silly -- to take the most extreme example, right now my odds of being killed by legal execution are effectively zero -- but still, good to know.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 1:43 PM