The year, absurdly, that I go on a cruise (thanks, Mom!). I may be online regularly, and I may never be online at all, depending on the existence, availability, and reliability of the ship's wireless internet café.
In the meantime, here's something pleasant to worry about: what will happen when the
supervolcano underneath Yellowstone National Park finally
erupts? And would it be worse than
Cumbre Vieja falling into the ocean?
UPDATE: By the way, the first issue of
Backwards City Review is going in the mail the day after I get back from the cruise. If you haven't subscribed yet,
what are you waiting for? Here's what you'll get:
Envoi by: Kurt Vonnegut
Comics and Art by: Tom Chalkley * Peter S. Conrad * Jim Rugg * Mary Beth Sanders * Mark Bradley Shoup
Fiction by: Adam Berlin * Cory Doctorow * Alix Ohlin * Michael Parker
Nonfiction by: Stephen Kuusisto
Poetry by: Erica Bernheim * Johannes Goransson * Arielle Greenberg * Gabriel Gudding * Paul Guest * Kristin Hall * Kent Johnson * John Latta * Sarah Manguso * Joyelle McSweeney * K. Silem Mohammad * Ander Monson * Karri Harrison Paul * Marcus Slease * Tony Tost * Greg Williamson
Thanks again to all our subscribers, patrons, and contributors!
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 3:45 AM