"Kai Tek Casualties." I actually read this story a few months before I came to Greensboro at my friend Eric's insistence -- Eric is a
McSweeney's early adopter from way back -- and we both really enjoyed it, so it was funny and a little ego-deflating to find out she was in my workshop.
The red-faced man by the window curses, surveying the Asian Wall Street Journal. The blond woman in the aisle-seat reads a romance. The plane taxis but does not take off; it belly flops into the South China Sea. Water floods the cabin. Newsprint blurs. He escapes through a gash in the roof, worrying some about sharks, but more about the men in Kuala Lumpur who are waiting for him. Everyone survives. He's got to get another flight.
It's still a good story.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 7:50 PM