...isn't looking very bright.Ironically, although the Y-chromosome has become synonymous with male aggression, it is intrinsically unstable. Far from being vigorous and robust, this ultimate genetic symbol of male machismo is decaying at such an alarming rate that, for humans at least, the GM experiment will soon be over. Adam, it seems, is cursed. Like many species before us that have lost their males, we run the real risk of extinction.
But when? By my estimate, the fertility caused by Y-chromosome decay drops to 1% of its present level within 5,000 generations, which is about 125,000 years. Not exactly the day after tomorrow — but equally, not an unimaginably long time ahead
Humanity will survive, of course, in the peaceful all-female paradise we always knew was coming.
Should be an improvement.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 1:25 AM