So I went out today and made the controversial decision to repurchase Metroid Prime in anticipation of the release of its sequel (Metroid Prime: Echoes) next week. (Note: It only cost me ten dollars; doesn't exactly break the bank.) I've started replaying it, and it's still one of the best games ever. Only the three most recent Zelda games (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Wind-Waker) and Knights of the Old Republic are really in the same league -- though I hear the new Grand Theft Auto is out of control amazing as well. I haven't played it yet.
The Metroid franchise and I go way back. The original Metroid was the first non-Mario/non-Duck Hunt/non-Power Pad Olympics video game I got way back in 1988, when my family first got our Nintendo. Metroid Prime and Zelda: Wind-Waker were the reasons I foolishly bought a GameCube two years ago, and their respective sequels are the reason I foolishly repurchased a GameCube this summer.
Obviously, I don't have time to devote myself to video games full-time, as I'd like, but every so often, it's good to go old school.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 11:57 PM