Let's talk about terrible:
Greensboro to DC (300 miles): 4 hours. This is not terrible. This is, in fact, making nearly perfect time.
This is included by way of example.
DC to Randolph, NJ (240 miles): 9 hours. This is true. We left between 9 and 9:30 in the morning, had a hour-long lunch in Baltimore, and got to my dad's condo at 7 pm. Even disregarding the minor delays that were our fault, it's safe to say that traffic on Wednesday was AWFUL.
DC to Greensboro (300 miles): 8 1/2 hours. This happened just now. After a 20 mph crawl for three hours between DC and Richmond, we finally got moving -- until we got stuck in a bumper-to-bumper parking lot just inside the NC border for two straight hours. We never even found out what caused it.
Yeah, so next year, I'm flying.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 12:16 AM