Today would have been
John Lennon's 64th birthday. Let me add my voice to the choir's:
Yes, we still need you.
(Saw it first on
Boing Boing.)
UPDATE: In other depressing news (and trust me when I say it's already been an unbelievably bad week for sad news),
Jacques Derrida has died. I'm sure if he were around to speak on the subject of his own passing he'd have a number of interesting things to say right now.
...language creates a false binary between "death" and "life," life, the state of being alive, death, the cessation of life function, life the positive, death the negative, life privileged, death de-privileged. We "prefer" "life" in our language, that is our favored half, but I ask you, how can you have one without the other, what is "life" without "death?" Along which cleavage line can these two signifiers be separated? What is our conception of "life" that does not entail "death?" Life, death, what's the difference...# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 10:39 PM