Thoughts from Within. A spoken-word, multimedia condemnation of all things modern and an celebration of the "pre-industrial revolution." A veritable call to arms from Woody the Bartender himself.
"I feel like a run-on sentence in a punctuation-crazy world."
"Like a genetically modified irradiated Big Mac is somehow symbolic of food."
"Morality is legislated, prisons overpopulated, religion is incorporated, the profit motive has permeated all activity. We pay our government to let us park on the street."
"Everybody feels it like a giant open sore; they don't represent us anymore."
"You say you want a revolution? A communal evolution? To part of the solution? Maybe I'll be seeing you around."
And they thought
Brad Pitt was Tyler Durden?
Surreal. Must-click.
UPDATE: But you don't care about any of this, do you? No, you just want to know what the Ultimate Warrior thinks about 9/11. Worry not, child.
I can provide. A taste: "Evil will inevitably meet up with the big-knuckled fist of good and get its ass kicked. Always. Happy kicks sad’s ass. Always. Triumph kicks tragedy’s ass. Always."
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 2:25 PM