It's my last day of a week long stint living in the center of the universe, New York City. Admittedly, I've been pretty lazy - just getting wasted and wandering the streets looking at people, rather than work on the redesign for our site or soliciting local artists as per my initial plan - but I've managed to drudge up some pretty good stuff, all of which will flood this blog in the next day or so (upon my later than timely return to GSO).
Sucks a fat butt that I won't be in Greensboro to see Mr. Canavan's reading. He always knocks the crowds out of their socks. Instead I'll probably be drunk, back from a night of debauchery-lite with my host family, watching this really, really, really fantastic
political parody from Jib Jab. I must say, this thing is tha bomb.
UPDATE - Computer I am using doesn't want me to make fun links. Just copy paste this into a browser window : You'll wet your britches, I guarantee. (time of britch-wetting in non-disclosed, semi-possible alternate future. If you get there, you'll know.)
# posted by
Anonymous @ 12:16 PM