WARNING, politics minute ahead:
It doesn't matter, because we're still gonna win and all, but if little known, probably completely unreliable
Archpundit is right and a private plane has been dispatched to bring Gephardt to the announcement that he's the VP pick, then Kerry made the wrong damn choice, because Edwards was the guy. He was obviously the guy.
Even after Kerry wins in November, we still risk losing in '08 or '12 when it's VP Gephardt's turn to run, when (
WARNING: incredbly mangled tense ahead) we would shall have won easily with Edwards.
If Archpundit is right, this was not his best move. But I'm thinking Archpundit is wrong.
UPDATE: Uh, yeah, for the record, I'm thinking
Political Wire is wrong too. Oh hell.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 10:44 AM