The second Foam Cowboy Hat Story is still going on, don't worry. Click
here (or just scroll down) to read the story so far, and help us keep it going.
When you're done with that, you might start wondering: how else can I help the
BCR get on its feet? Lucky for you, there's a number of ways. The rich are invited to
donate money to us directly. (Remember, charity begins at obscure literary journals on the Internet.)
But what if you aren't rich? At no cost to you, you can use our
Amazon clickthroughs to give us big kickbacks on all the stuff you buy. You can also apply for an
Amazon credit card, a ten second application which instantly earns us both $20. We've already made over $150 through our association with Amazon, and every little bit helps.
Most importantly, we're now
accepting subscriptions. Twelve dollars gets you two literature-packed issues, with the first issue due in the fall.
Thanks for your support, and enjoy the Backwards City!
# posted by
The Editors @ 11:59 PM