The first issue of Joss Whedon's run on
Astonishing X-Men came out today. I picked it up out of curiosity. It was kind of hard to follow, because I'm not really familiar with
X-Men continuity in general or
recent X-Men history in particular. From what I gathered, in this continuity, Jean Gray has recently died (presumably through activation of the Phoenix Force, although that's not expressly mentioned) and Xavier is off someplace, leaving Cyclops, Wolverine, Beast, Emma Frost, and Kitty Pride in charge of Xavier Academy.
The issue itself seems all right, though I doubt I'll pick up further issues in the series. Maybe if they change the name to
Magneto Loves Xavier I'd think about it.
Interview with Joss on X-Men
Review #1
Review #2
This ends your lesson in geekery for the day.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 3:57 PM