I meant to say this earlier. I was in Barnes and Noble, killing time flipping through a couple of bound Superman comics, when I came across
Superman: Red Son, a What-If comic about what would have happened in Superman had landed in Soviet Russia instead of Smallville, Kansas. Good premise, and from what I saw of the book, good execution. (The ending seemed particularly neat and original--to my knowledge it's the first time that (spoiler, highlight to read)
Krypton was depicted as a far-future Earth, rather than an completely alien world.
Sure; why not?
Anyway, this is all completely tangential to the point, which was the coolest thing I saw in comic books at Barnes and Noble today: the word
necronaut, as in, "Clark Kent Jr. was a necronaut, the first man to set foot in the afterlife." What a cool idea.
# posted by
Gerry Canavan @ 10:32 PM